Command Line - Format

General command-line format is:

USBOECL.EXE <action> [-silent]


<action> parameter defines the action you'd like to perform. Only one action can be specified in one application call. Possible values for this parameter are:



-connect <server> <device>

Connect a specified device from a specified server. When there are several devices that match specified identifiers, then the first available non-connected device will be connected.

-disconnect <server> <device>

Disconnect a specified device from a specified server. When there are several devices that match specified identifiers, then the first available non-connected device will be connected.

-addserver <server> [-autoconnect]

Add remote USB server. An optional -autoconnect parameter enables automatic connection of USB devices from this server.

-removeserver <server>

Remove remote USB server


<device> specifies the device on which you'd like to perform an action. Device can be identified by its vendor ID, product ID, revision, serial number, USB port or name. It is possible to use these identifiers in any combination.



-vid <vendor id>

USB device Vendor ID

-pid <product id>

USB device Product ID

-rev <revision>

USB device Revision

-usbport <port number>

USB port number, as displayed in USB Device List.

-serial <serial number>

USB device serial number

-name "<device name>"

USB device name. Note that the name must be specified in double-quotes.


<server> specifies the server where the device is located. The server should be already added via configuration utility. This parameter is not required for sharing and unsharing of local devices. Parameter format:

-server <address>[:<tcp port>]



-silent specify this parameter to enable silent mode. In this mode, USB over Ethernet won't display any error messages. You can check process exit code to determine if the operation was successful.